
Guardianship Attorneys

Family Law
Guardianship Attorneys

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

A special immigrant juvenile (SIJ) is used to assist children under age 21 who have been determined to be abandoned, neglected, or abused and cannot be reunited with a parent. At Villarrubia & Rosenberger, P.C., we can assist with establishing guardianship for immigrant children who qualify under this status and are eligible to receive a green card.

Often the state child welfare agencies receive a report about the status of special immigrant juveniles, and a relative, family friend, or other custodian applies for a guardianship.

Determining Eligibility For Special Immigrant Juvenile Program Status

In order to petition for SIJ, a state court that has jurisdiction over custody of children must evaluate each child’s circumstances to determine whether they are placed with a state agency, cannot return to their home country, or cannot be reunited with their parents, among other considerations. In addition, the child must be under 21, and unmarried. In the U.S. It is important to understand that if you receive a green card due to your status as an SIJ, you cannot petition for a green card for your parents, and you can only petition for a green card for any brothers or sisters if you get U.S. citizenship.

Get Advice From A Lawyer To Evaluate SIJ Status

The SIJ application process is complicated, and the forms require attention to detail and careful consideration. You can benefit from consulting with an experienced attorney who can assist with the application and evaluate options prior to filing.

Contact our Indianapolis office by calling Villarrubia & Rosenberger, P.C., or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation. We can also schedule video and telephonic appointments. Hablamos español.

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